Extra Virgin Olive oil Extraction Line
Extra Virgin olive oil is extracted from healthy and fresh olives,purely by the mechanical means such as centrifuge and separation .Quality Control index:acidity,peroxide value,absorbency in ultra-voilet ,fatty acid composition and color etc.
The fusion, decanting and separation process is the core step of the entire process. Horizontal ribbon mixer, decanter centrifuge and disc centrifuge are key to ensuring the oil yield and oil quality-According to the process requirements, experimental data and engineering application examples,2-phase decanter centrifuge or 3-phase horizontal decanter centrifuge and self-cleaning disc separator are usually used, and the oil yield can reach 15%.
According to the product characteristics and production process, the main steps of the process design are:(1) defolate (2) washing (3)crushing (4) fusion ,(5) decantation,(6) separation,(7)storage (8) filling and packing
1. Defolate: The olive fruit after picked is transferred throuah the belt conveyor equipped with a wind sorter to remove leaves,to avoid chlorophyll oxidation and affect the quality of the oil. Branches and leaves separated fomfruit by fan.
2.Washing: Wash the fruit with circulating water to remove dust,sand and a small amount of leaves. Usually,2 tons of water wash 5 tons of fruit.
3. Crushing : Crush the washed olive fruit to get fruit pulp by a hammer mill. The mesh size is about 6 mm and the beating speed is about 2500-3000 rpm.
4.Fusion: The crushed pulp is transferred to a horizontal ribbon mixer through a screw pump for mixing,and the oil droplets are formed by stirring with a ribbon mixer. The better mixing time is about 30 minutes,temperature about 30 degrees and the crusher rotation speed is 30-50 revolutions.The horizontal mixer is equipped with jacket for water cooling.
5.Decanting: The blended oil water and pomace are transported by a screw pump to the decanter centrifuge for oil,water and pomace separation.Two or Three-phase separation decanter and the vertical disc centrifuae are usually selected according to the process requirements. The three-phase separation process requires to add a larae amount of process water and finally separate the oil waste water and pomace: finally the amount of waste water is larae: the two-phase separation directly separates the pulp into oil and pomace,no need to add water,but the water content of the pomace is high,more than 60%,further separation is required.
6. Separation: The separated oil phase also contains a small amount of water,which is required further separation by a vertical high-speed centrifuge, and the centrifuge speed is about 6600-8000 rpm. About 10-15% of water is added during the separation.
7. Storage: The centrifugally separated oil is pumped into big stainless steel storage tanks for storage to avoid light and heat,usually the stainless steel storage tank is filled with nitrogen gas and olive oil is stored at a constant temperature and filled N2 state.
8. Filling: The oil in the tank periodically releases a small amount of water and oil foot. Then it is dspensed into glass bottles and sealing labeling and packing etc, for sale in market.
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